Saudi Asks Pakistan to Stop Beggars From Entering Gulf Country With Umrah Visas

Saudi Arabia has raised serious issues over an increasing number of Pakistani beggars entering the Kingdom on Umrah visas, posing as pilgrims. This issue has prompted the Saudi government to urge Pakistan to take swift action. The situation, as reported by Express Tribune, is seen as a growing problem that, if left unchecked, could have lasting consequences for legitimate Pakistani pilgrims.

Saudi Asks Pakistan to Stop Beggars From Entering Gulf Country With Umrah Visas


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Saudi Asks Pakistan to Stop Beggars From Entering Gulf Country

According to officials from Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Saudi government has expressed strong reservations about the influx of Pakistani beggars using religious visas to enter the country. If this trend continues, it could have a detrimental impact on Pakistanis wishing to perform Umrah and Hajj in the future.

Key Points of Concern:

  • The misuse of Umrah visas by individuals entering Saudi Arabia to beg.
  • The potential impact on future visa approvals for Pakistani pilgrims.
  • The strain on Saudi-Pakistani relations is due to some individuals’ rise in illegal activities.

Pakistan’s Response: New Measures in Place

In response to Saudi Arabia’s concerns, Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs has introduced an “Umrah Act” to address the issue. This legislation aims to manage travel agencies, ensuring they comply with legal requirements and do not facilitate the travel of individuals who misuse the visa system.

Actions Taken by Pakistan:

  • Umrah Act: A new law to regulate and monitor the activities of travel agencies organizing Umrah trips.
  • Involvement of FIA: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has been tasked with dismantling networks that send beggars abroad.
  • Diplomatic Engagement: Mohsin Naqvi, Pakistan’s Interior Minister, assured Nawaf bin Said Ahmed Al-Malki, the Saudi Ambassador, that strong action would be taken to address the issue.

Beggars Exploiting Religious Pilgrimage

Pakistani nationals posing as pilgrims have often exploited religious visas to enter Saudi Arabia, only to engage in begging activities once there. This has not only damaged Pakistan’s reputation but has also strained relations with Saudi Arabia, which hosts millions of pilgrims each year.

Alarming Statistics:

  • 90% of foreign beggars caught in different countries reportedly come from Pakistan.
  • Recent Crackdowns: Pakistani authorities recently prevented 11 suspected beggars from boarding a Saudi-bound flight at Karachi Airport as they confessed they intended to beg in the Kingdom.

Ongoing Investigations and Crackdowns

The crackdown on this issue is not new. In September of last year, Pakistani authorities intercepted 16 individuals disguised as pilgrims attempting to fly to Saudi Arabia to beg. These incidents, if left unchecked, could continue to tarnish the reputation of Pakistani nationals in Saudi Arabia.

Additionally, many of the pickpockets apprehended within the vicinity of Mecca’s grand mosque are of Pakistani origin, according to reports, further aggravating the situation.

Summary of Pakistan’s Response

Pakistan’s Actions
Saudi Arabia’s Concerns
Misuse of Umrah visas
Introduction of the Umrah Act to regulate agencies
Damage to legitimate pilgrimage
Rising number of beggars
FIA instructed to crack down on illegal networks
The strain on diplomatic relations
Criminal activity in Mecca
Arrests and prevention of beggars from travelling
Negative impact on religious tourism

Looking Ahead: Strengthening Bilateral Efforts

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are taking necessary steps to ensure the sanctity of religious pilgrimages. By implementing stricter regulations and clamping down on illegal networks, Pakistan is working to restore its image in Saudi Arabia.

The cooperation between the two nations is expected to resolve the current issue and safeguard the future of Pakistani pilgrims travelling for Umrah and Hajj.

These actions show a shared commitment to preventing the misuse of religious visas, protecting the dignity of genuine pilgrims, and maintaining the integrity of these sacred journeys.

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