DWP may pay £737 a month for these mental health conditions

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) offers financial assistance of up to £737 per month for individuals suffering from certain mental health conditions. By the end of January, over 1.3 million people in Britain were claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, mood disorders, stress reactions, and depressive disorders.

DWP may pay £737 a month for these mental health conditions

DWP may pay £737 a month

PIP provides additional financial support for adults with disabilities, long-term illnesses, or physical or mental health conditions who require assistance with daily tasks or mobility.

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PIP Payment Amounts

The amount awarded for a successful PIP claim can vary from £28.70 to £184.30 per week and is paid every four weeks, resulting in payments ranging from £114.80 to £737.20 per payment period.

Eligibility Criteria for PIP

To be eligible for PIP, you must have a health condition or disability that causes difficulties with daily living or mobility for at least three months and is expected to continue for at least nine months. Additionally, you must have lived in the UK for at least two of the last three years and be in the country when you apply.

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Conditions for PIP Eligibility:

  • Preparing, cooking, or eating food
  • Managing medication
  • Washing, bathing, or using the toilet
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Engaging and communicating with others
  • Reading and understanding written information
  • Making decisions about money
  • Planning a journey or following a route
  • Moving around

How is PIP Paid?

PIP is typically paid every four weeks, except for terminally ill individuals, who receive payments weekly. Payments are made directly into your bank, building society, or credit union account.

PIP Payment Rates

An assessment determines the level of financial help you will receive, and your rate will be regularly reviewed to ensure you receive the appropriate support. PIP consists of two components: Daily Living and Mobility.

PIP Payment Rates:

Standard Rate
Enhanced Rate
Daily Living

How to Claim PIP

To make a new claim for PIP, you need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Here is a detailed guide on the information you will need and the steps to follow:

Step-by-Step Guide to Claiming PIP

  • Contact the DWP
    • You can start your claim by calling the PIP claim line. The contact details can be found on the GOV.UK website.
  • Prepare Your Information
    • Before you call, make sure you have the following information ready:
      • Contact Details: Your full name, address, and phone number.
      • Date of Birth: Your birth date is recorded on official documents.
      • National Insurance Number: This can be found in letters about tax, pensions, and benefits.
      • Bank or Building Society Account Number and Sort Code: This is where your PIP payments will be deposited.
      • Doctor or Health Worker’s Details: Name, address, and telephone number of your doctor or any health worker who can provide information about your condition.
      • Dates and Addresses for Time Spent Abroad, in a Care Home, or Hospital: Any periods you have spent outside the UK, in a care home, or a hospital.
  • Complete the Claim Form
    • After contacting the DWP, you will receive a claim form to fill out. This form will ask for detailed information about how your condition affects your daily life and mobility.
  • Submit Supporting Documents
    • Along with the claim form, you may need to provide supporting documents such as medical reports, prescriptions, and letters from healthcare professionals.
  • Attend an Assessment
    • You will most likely be asked to attend a face-to-face assessment with a health professional. This assessment will help determine the level of support you need.
  • Receive a Decision
    • After the assessment, the DWP will review your claim and send you a decision letter. This letter will outline whether your claim has been successful and the amount of PIP you will receive.
  • Regular Reviews
    • Your PIP claim will be regularly reviewed to ensure you continue receiving the appropriate support level. You may be asked to provide updated information or attend further assessments.

Information Checklist

Here is a checklist of the information you will need when making a PIP claim:

  • Personal Information:
    • Full name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • National Insurance number
  • Financial Information:
    • Bank or building society account number
    • Sort code
  • Medical Information:
    • Doctor or health worker’s name
    • Address
    • Telephone number
  • Additional Information:
    • Dates and addresses for any time spent abroad
    • Dates and addresses for any time spent in a care home
    • Dates and addresses for any time spent in a hospital

Increase in PIP Claims

The number of people claiming PIP for psychiatric disorders has increased by more than 462,000 between February 2020 and January 2024.

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