CRA Sending Double Payments in August: $1,700 OAS + $650 Extra Coming for All

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will issue double Old Age Security (OAS) payments in August. This includes an additional $650 on top of the regular $1,700 payment. This measure aims to help seniors cope with rising inflation, particularly those on fixed incomes.

  • Double Payments: $1,700 regular OAS + $650 additional payment.
  • Timing: Payments will be issued in August.
  • Purpose: To assist seniors with rising living costs.

CRA Sending Double Payments in August: $1,700 OAS + $650 Extra Coming for All

CRA Sending Double Payments in August

The additional payment is intended to ease seniors’ financial burden by addressing the rising costs of essential items.

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  • Rising Costs: Groceries, housing, and utilities are becoming more expensive.
  • Financial Security: Provides much-needed financial support for seniors.
  • Well-being: Helps seniors afford essential requirements and improve their overall quality of life.

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Payment Breakdown

The payments consist of two components: the regular OAS payment and an additional one-time payment.

Payment Type
Regular OAS
Additional Payment
  • Regular OAS: $1,700 per month, adjusted quarterly for inflation.
  • Additional Payment: A one-time $650 payment to help with increased living costs.


The Old Age Security program provides a monthly benefit to eligible seniors, with the standard OAS benefit amount adjusted quarterly to keep pace with inflation.

  • Monthly Benefit: $1,700 as of July 2024.
  • Quarterly Adjustment: Ensures the benefit keeps up with inflation.
  • One-time Payment: $650 to help with the continued increase in pension benefits.


The double payment in August will provide significant financial relief to seniors, especially those relying solely on OAS.

  • Financial Relief: Helps seniors manage rising living costs.
  • Improved Well-being: Allows seniors to afford necessities and small luxuries.
  • Security: Provides a sense of financial stability.

Potential Political Implications

The double payments in August might have political implications, potentially influencing Canada’s next federal elections in 2025.

  • Election Influence: Could garner support for the government.
  • Targeted Support: Possibility of additional amounts for low-income seniors or those with specific needs.
  • Political Strategy: One-time benefit to gain favor with voters.


To be eligible for the double payments in August, OAS beneficiaries must meet specific criteria.

  • Citizenship/Residency: Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident at the time of OAS pension application approval.
  • Residency Requirement: Must reside in Canada for at least 10 years after turning 18.
  • Living Abroad: Eligible if a Canadian citizen or permanent resident when leaving the country.

Automatic Enrollment

Service Canada will automatically enrol eligible individuals for the OAS pension, ensuring they receive the upcoming payment without needing to apply.

  • Automatic Enrollment: No application is required.
  • Eligibility Check: Service Canada will verify eligibility criteria.
  • Seamless Process: Ensures eligible seniors receive their payments without hassle.


The potential for CRA to send double payments in August has not been confirmed yet. Should this occur, the additional $650, in addition to the usual $1,700, could greatly enhance the financial stability of seniors.

  • Financial Security: Helps seniors manage rising living costs.
  • Enhanced Well-being: Provides room for small luxuries and improves overall quality of life.
  • One-time Top-up: Could be a temporary measure to ease financial burdens.

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