Best Astarion build in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

Astarion is a compelling character in Baldur’s Gate 3. Building him effectively can make him a valuable asset to your party. This article will provide a detailed guide on the best Astarion build, focusing on his abilities, skills, and equipment.

What are Astarion’s strengths

Astarion is a Rogue, which gives him unique abilities and skills. His strengths lie in stealth, dexterity, and dealing high damage in combat. Understanding these strengths helps in building him effectively.

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Astarion’s high dexterity makes him an excellent choice for a ranged or melee damage dealer. His Rogue abilities allow him to sneak, pick locks, and disarm traps, making him versatile in and out of combat.

Astarion’s stealth skills make him effective at ambushing enemies. He can move unseen, get into advantageous positions, and strike first. This ability to control the battlefield is crucial for a successful Rogue.

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Choosing the right abilities

Choosing the right abilities for Astarion is crucial. Focusing on dexterity-based abilities enhances his combat effectiveness. Here are some key abilities to consider.

Sneak Attack is a must-have. This ability allows Astarion to deal extra damage when he has advantage or when an ally is within 5 feet of the target. This ability capitalizes on his stealth and positioning.

Cunning Action is another essential ability. It allows Astarion to use his bonus action to dash, disengage, or hide. This flexibility in movement enhances his survivability and positioning in combat.

Uncanny Dodge is also important. This ability allows Astarion to reduce damage from attacks he can see by half. This defensive capability increases his durability in battle.

Selecting the best skills

Selecting the right skills for Astarion enhances his effectiveness both in and out of combat. Focusing on skills that leverage his dexterity and Rogue abilities is key.

Stealth is a primary skill. It allows Astarion to move unseen and set up ambushes. This skill is crucial for gaining the upper hand in combat and avoiding detection.

Acrobatics is another important skill. It helps Astarion avoid grapples and resist being knocked prone. This skill enhances his mobility and control in combat.

Sleight of Hand is also valuable. It allows Astarion to pick locks and disarm traps. This skill is useful for exploring and navigating dangerous environments.

Equipping the right gear

Equipping the right gear for Astarion is crucial. Focusing on gear that enhances his dexterity and damage output maximizes his effectiveness. Here are some key equipment choices.

Light armor is the best choice for Astarion. It provides protection without hindering his dexterity and movement. Armor like Leather Armor or Studded Leather Armor is ideal.

Weapons that leverage his dexterity are important. Rapiers and shortbows are excellent choices. These weapons allow Astarion to deal high damage while maintaining his mobility.

Accessories that boost his dexterity and stealth are valuable. Items like the Cloak of Elvenkind or Boots of Elvenkind enhance his stealth abilities. These accessories improve his effectiveness in ambushes and sneaking.

Using the right tactics

Using the right tactics in combat maximizes Astarion’s effectiveness. Leveraging his stealth and positioning is key. Here are some tactical tips.

Starting combat from stealth gives Astarion an advantage. He can position himself for a sneak attack and strike first. This tactic sets the tone for the battle and can quickly turn the tide in your favor.

Using Cunning Action to stay mobile is important. Astarion can dash to advantageous positions, disengage from dangerous situations, or hide to set up another ambush. This flexibility keeps him alive and effective.

Targeting high-value enemies with sneak attacks is crucial. Astarion’s high damage output can quickly eliminate key threats. Focusing on mages or ranged enemies can disrupt the enemy’s strategy.


Astarion is a versatile and powerful character in Baldur’s Gate 3. Building him effectively involves focusing on his dexterity, stealth, and damage-dealing abilities. Choosing the right abilities, skills, and gear enhances his effectiveness. 

Using the right tactics in combat maximizes his potential. By understanding these strategies, you can build a formidable Astarion and dominate your adventures in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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