$5.695M CRA Class Action Settlement 2024, Check Post For More Details

In a significant legal development, CoreLogic Credco, a credit reporting agency (CRA), has agreed to pay $5.695 million to settle a class-action lawsuit. This case highlights critical issues related to data accuracy and consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

$5.695M CRA Class Action Settlement 2024, Check Post For More Details

$5.695M CRA Class Action Settlement 2024

Class action lawsuits are legal mechanisms that allow individuals with similar grievances to collectively bring a claim against a defendant. These lawsuits are particularly effective for addressing widespread issues such as:

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Class actions increase efficiency and ensure a more consistent application of justice by consolidating numerous individual claims into one case.

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Background of the CRA Class Action Lawsuit

The class-action lawsuit against CoreLogic Credco was initiated due to allegations that the company violated FCRA regulations by inaccurately listing consumers as deceased on their credit reports, despite these individuals being alive. This error had serious repercussions for the affected individuals, impacting their ability to:

  • Obtain credit
  • Conduct financial transactions

The lawsuit claimed that CoreLogic Credco failed to maintain accurate records, thus violating the FCRA’s requirement for accurate and fair consumer reporting.

Key Highlights of the CRA $5.695M Settlement

CoreLogic Credco
Settlement Amount
$5.695 million
Listing consumers as deceased in credit reports, failing to ensure data accuracy as required by the FCRA
Legal Framework
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) mandates credit reporting agencies to maintain accurate and fair records

About the Settlement

The $5.695 million settlement addresses the damages and inconveniences caused by CoreLogic Credco’s inaccurate credit reporting. This compensation will be distributed among affected individuals who submit valid claims, providing monetary relief for the harm experienced due to misleading credit reports.

Steps for Affected Individuals

Verify Eligibility

  • Check Your Credit Report: Obtain a copy of your credit report from major credit reporting agencies (such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) to verify if you have been incorrectly listed as deceased.
  • Identify Errors: Look for any inaccuracies, particularly the erroneous deceased status. Note down any other discrepancies that might be present.
  • Gather Documentation: Collect any supporting documents that prove you are alive, such as a government-issued ID, utility bills, or bank statements.
  • Contact Credit Reporting Agencies: Reach out to the credit reporting agencies to dispute the error and request a correction. Provide them with the necessary documentation to support your claim.

Submit Claims

  • Obtain Claim Forms: Visit the official settlement website or contact the settlement administrator to obtain the necessary claim forms.
  • Complete the Forms: Fill out the claim forms accurately, providing all required information such as your personal details, the nature of the error, and any supporting documentation.
  • Attach Documentation: Include copies of the documentation that proves the error on your credit report and any other relevant information.
  • Submit the Claim: The settlement administrator instructs you to send the completed claim forms and documentation to the designated address or submit them online.
  • Adhere to Deadlines: To be eligible for compensation, submit your claim before the specified deadline. Keep a copy of your submission for your records.

Stay Informed

  • Monitor Official Sources: Regularly check the official settlement website or contact the settlement administrator for updates on the claims process and any new developments.
  • Subscribe to Updates: If available, subscribe to email notifications or newsletters from the settlement administrator to receive timely updates.
  • Join Online Forums: Participate in online forums or social media groups where affected individuals discuss the settlement. This can provide valuable insights and support.
  • Consult Legal Advice: If you have any doubts or need further assistance, consider consulting with a legal professional specialising in consumer rights and class action lawsuits.


The CRA $5.695M Class Action Settlement 2024 is a landmark case in consumer rights and data accuracy. By understanding the details of this settlement and taking necessary steps, affected individuals can seek the compensation they deserve and contribute to enhancing standards in the credit reporting industry.

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